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Advancing the Great Reset (And You Will Know the Truth Part 63)
It truly is scary what the diabolical West has in store for us, with its Great Reset. Only a few can stand against them, notably...

Putin against LGBT and Western Global Hegemony (And You Will Know the Truth Part 62)
Good versus evil. On the one hand, Putin and Russia in total opposition to LGBT and defending Biblical marriage and sexuality. On the...

Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (And You Will Know the Truth Part 61)
Klaus Schwab: God is dead. WEF: Jesus is fake news. A new world religion has arrived. Yuval Noah Harari: WEF is acquiring divine powers...

"Died Suddenly" Documentary (And You Will Know the Truth Part 60)
After 3 years of the global COVID plandemic, there is more than enough medical and scientific evidence to show that the COVID...

Philippines Rejects UN Demand to Allow Abortions (And You Will Know the Truth Part 59)
Let us be clear: the enemy is the USA and the EU and the UN, which are rabidly pro-abortion and pro-homosexuality. How arrogant these...

Vatican II and the Spirit of the Age - 2 (And You Will Know The Truth Part 58)
Pope Francis often touts Vatican II. Indeed a lot of good things came out of Vatican II. But it has also been hijacked by the liberals...

Vatican II and the Spirit of The Age (And You Will Know The Truth Part 57)
Below we see the fruit of Vatican II in the life of the Church. Vatican II was the turning point that led to the advance of liberalism...

The Great Reset (And You Will Know The Truth 56)
Here is a comprehensive docu on The Great Reset, the diabolical plot of the globalist New World Order. The anti-God, anti-family,...

The Great Resist (And You Will Know The Truth Part 55)
THE GREAT RESIST! Yes! What a fitting response to the GREAT RESET. Listen well to the modern-day prophet Michael Matt as he analyzes what...

The Orthodox Church is orthodox (And You Will Know the Truth Part 54)
The Orthodox Church is still orthodox, while the Catholic Church has become heterodox. So it is right that the Orthodox Church has...
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