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The Widow's Mite-6 (Financial Stewardship Part 26)
Today’s gospel: Mark 12:38-44 The story of the widow’s mite is a challenge to us with regard to financial stewardship. Everything we...
To Be Righteous And Just (Financial Stewardship Part 25)
Today’s readings: Psalm 37:5-6,30-31,39-40 Mark 7:14-23 David says in this psalm: “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will...
Free, Generous, Joyful (Financial Stewardship Part 24)
Today’s reading: Sirach 35:1-12 Everything belongs to God, and we are just stewards of what we ordinarily call “ours”--our time, our...
The Widow's Mite-5 (Financial Stewardship Part 23)
Today’s gospel: Luke 21:1-4 Financial giving is not measured by God in absolute amounts but in relation to one’s income or resources,...
God or Mammon - 2 (Financial Stewardship Part 22)
Today’s gospel: Luke 16:9-15 Today’s secular world loves money, just like “the Pharisees, who loved money” (v.14a). Now people will not...
The Widow's Mite - 4 (Financial Stewardship Part 21)
Today’s gospel: Mark 12:38-44 “Many rich people put in large sums. A poor widow also came and put in two small coins worth a few cents.”...
The Widow's Mite - 3 (Financial Stewardship Part 20)
Today’s gospel: Luke 21:1-4 The Holy Spirit included this story of the poor widow’s contribution in order to challenge us who are not as...
God or Mammon (Financial Stewardship Part 19)
Today’s gospel: Luke 16:9-15 You accept Jesus as master and Lord. You also accept Biblical teachings about detachment, self-emptying,...
Mammon (Financial Stewardship Part 18)
Here is part of Fr Cantalamessa’s Good Friday homily. It is a good teaching on mammon. A strong antidote is true financial stewardship....
The Widow’s Mite - 2 (Financial Stewardship Part 17)
Today’s gospel: Luke 21:1-4 As we move on to respond to the call to the New Evangelization, as the Lord actually opens up to us the way...
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