Ugandan Bishops oppose homosexuality (Orthodox Bishops Part 26)
The African bishops and priests of Uganda know better than the Pope what is the authentic Christian faith. While the Pope condones and...
Ugandan Bishops oppose homosexuality (Orthodox Bishops Part 26)
Abp Andre-Joseph Leonard of Belgium (Orthodox Bishops Part 25)
Cardinal Muller on the German Synodal sect (Orthodox Bishops Part 24)
Abp Kaziimba of Uganda versus the Anglican Church of England (Orthodox Bishops Part 22)
Bishop Mutsaerts on Vile Synod (Orthodox Bishops Part 21)
German Synodal Path Blocked (Orthodox Bishop Part 19)
German Synodal Path blocked (Orthodox Bishops Part 19)
Cardinal Burke Warns of Advancing Apostasy in the Church (Orthodox Bishops Part 18)
Bp Fernandez of Spain on the Synod on Synodality (Orthodox bishops Part 16)
Abp Vigano urges US bishops to excommunicate pro-aborts (Orthodox bishops Part 15)