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Abp William Lori calls out President Biden (Orthodox Bishops Part 17)

Here is one US bishop who is still serving God and not the zeitgeist. Abp William Lori is head of the USCCB’s Committee on Pro-Life Activities. He has guts, calling out President Biden himself, especially as even Pope Francis coddles and encourages pro-abortion Biden in his being a fake Catholic.


‘Destruction of the defenseless’: Pro-life archbishop condemns Biden’s pro-abortion executive orders'

‘I continue to call on the President and all our elected officials to increase support and care to mothers and babies, rather than facilitate the destruction of defenseless, voiceless human beings,’ wrote Archbishop Lori.

Joe Biden and Archbishop William LoriYouTube screenshot/Shutterstock

Michael Haynes Help pro-life heroes expose the truth about abortion: LifeFunder (LifeSiteNews) — A leading U.S. Catholic bishop has hit back at President Joe Biden’s August 3 executive order facilitating abortion, saying it leads to the “destruction of defenseless, voiceless human beings.”

Archbishop William Lori, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, issued a statement August 5, condemning self-professed “Catholic” Biden’s continued promotion of abortion in light of the June overturning of Roe v. Wade. “Continued promotion of abortion takes lives and irreparably harms vulnerable pregnant mothers, their families, and society,” wrote Archbishop Lori.

“It is the wrong direction to take at a moment when we should be working to support women and to build up a culture of life,” continued the archbishop of Baltimore. I continue to call on the President and all our elected officials to increase support and care to mothers and babies, rather than facilitate the destruction of defenseless, voiceless human beings.

Lori closed by invoking the “Blessed Virgin Mary, patroness of our nation,” to “intercede for us as we advocate to protect human life and work toward solutions that will help every mother and child flourish.”

Article published by LifeSiteNews For the full article, click here.

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