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  • Writer's pictureThe Hermit of Antipolo

THE WORLD AT AN END #178 -- Assault on Abp Vigano

The Vatican under Pope Francis continues to attack those who point out his errors. Now it is Abp Vigano, a holy man, who is charged with the crime of schism. He is now subject to excommunication.

But Abp Vigano just speaks the truth, in defense of the authentic faith. He sees the systematic destruction of our Church by the current Pontiff, and has raised his prophetic voice.

* The Pope supports LGBT, now even the blessing of same-sex couples.

* The Pope promotes the idol pachamama and imposes the Left’s green agenda.

* The Pope imposed the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines,” being complicit in the death of many and causing serious damage to many.

* The Pope has all-out support for the World Economic Forum, the New World Order, and the thrust of elite globalists to control the world, including the imposition of abortion and LGBT.

* The Pope preaches human peace and well-being without consideration of the salvation of souls.

* The Pope promotes a counterfeit church that is more of a philanthropic agency and no longer looking to the supernatural.

But who will act to excommunicate the Pope, who is himself into apostasy, heresy and schism?

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