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Bp Bonnemain of Chur Abolishes Office of Exorcist (Liberal Bishops Part 111)

This liberal, modernist, heterodox bishop finds no need for exorcists. Because he looks to the human and not the divine. He looks just to emotional, medical, psychological or psychotherapeutic causes for seeming instances of demonic possession. Indeed these need to be looked into, but demonic infestation and possession are real.

So Bp Bonnemain supports same-sex unions, gives Communion to non-Catholics, pushes LGBT ideology, tolerates liturgical abuse of women concelebrating at Masses, and overlooks employee’s endorsement of pornography. He needs to be exorcised!

Swiss bishop abolishes office of exorcist, says there’s no need to find ‘secret causes’ of problems

Bishop Joseph Maria Bonnemain of Chur is well-known for his extreme heterodoxy.

CHUR, Switzerland (LifeSiteNews) — Swiss bishop Joseph Maria Bonnemain of the Diocese of Chur has abolished the office of exorcist in his diocese.

Bonnemain said in an interview with SRF that there would be “normal solutions” for most problems that people have and that he has “never been confronted with a person” that needed a major exorcism.

“For many questions, we do not need to look for extraordinary causes, rather we are all human beings who have strengths and weaknesses in ourselves, who are confronted with difficult family, social, and professional situations,” Bonnemain told SRF. “And there are normal solutions for this, i.e. medical, psychological, psychotherapeutic, and one does not need to want to find secret causes.”

According to the report by SRF, Bonnemain claims to have received the task from Pope Francis to solve the dispute between “arch-conservative” and “moderate” Catholics in his diocese and that not having an exorcist was a step towards “normalization.” The Diocese of Chur should no longer be attractive to people who want an exorcism.

“I’ve never been confronted with a person where I’ve had to say there’s a major exorcism required,” the Swiss prelate stated. “Most people have emotional, psychological burdens and need support, prayer, blessings, appropriate church services but not necessarily a major exorcism.”

Article published by LifeSiteNews For the full article, click here.

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