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Bp Dieser of Germany on gay sex being God's will (Liberal Bishops Part 110)

Here is a liberal bishop claiming, just like Pope Francis, that something diabolical is God’s will. Bp Dieser believes in sexual diversity. No, bishop, God created only two sexes, and that is male and female. Bp Dieser believes gay sex is just a variant of human sexuality. No, bishop, sex is only licit between a man and a woman within the context of marriage.

This is another salvo from the liberals in our Church leading to what they want to accomplish in the Synod on Synodality, and that is the acceptance and normalization of homosexuality.

German bishop: Homosexual ‘attraction’ and ‘lovemaking’ not an ‘aberration’

We cannot give homosexual people the answer that their feelings are unnatural and that they must therefore live celibate lives. As a Church, we have to answer these questions in a new way,' said Bishop Helmut Dieser.

A German bishop has declared that sexual diversity is “willed by God and does not violate the Creator’s will,” and that “homosexual lovemaking” is not an aberration but a “variant of human sexuality.”

Helmut Dieser, the bishop of the diocese of Aachen and the head of the Forum for Sexuality and Partnership for the Synodal Way, is known for his heterodox views on sexuality. He made his latest scandalous comments in an interview with the German news outlet Deutsche Welle, published November 8.

The German prelate said that the “current state of Church teaching does not do justice to certain realities in the area of human sexuality.” Dieser called the Church’s teaching on sexuality “too simplified.”

“This applies, for example, to the question of homosexuality,” Dieser continued. “We cannot give homosexual people the answer that their feelings are unnatural and that they must therefore live celibate lives. As a Church, we have to answer these questions in a new way.”

Article published by LifeSiteNews For the full article, click here.

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