Here is another one of those Cardinals recently created by Pope Francis. Another liberal, modernist, heretical cleric.
The Pope says all religions lead to the divine. I suppose Cardinal Ferrao has taken this to heart. But this is not just about inter-religious dialogue or believing, mistakenly, that other religions are ways to God, this is about some clerics and religious actually worshiping Ganesh idols.
Many modernist clerics and hierarchs fail in the authentic worship of the one true God. Now they want to worship idols (which are demons) as well?
Cardinal Rebuked For Homage to Hindu Idols

Hinduism scholar warns of syncretism leading to 'zoolatry or totemism' PANJIM, India ( - Catholics are rebuking Goa archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrão for downgrading Jesus and promoting a "masonic relativism" by endorsing clergy visits to Hindu idols.
The featured multifaith image on cover page of RenovaçãoWriting in the diocesan magazine Renovação, the newly-created cardinal urged Catholics to "imbibe the perennial values" that the festival of the elephant-headed deity Ganesh celebrates. Petition to Cardinal
While about 500 Goan Catholics and others from India and abroad have signed an online petition, Hinduism scholar Fr. Victor Borde is warning the hierarchy of backsliding into zoolatry, the worship of animals.
Titled "Don't Put Ganesh on Par with Jesus, Cdl. Ferrão," the appeal denounces Ferrão for replacing the "uniqueness and definitiveness" of Christ with a "fruit salad of religions."
Article Published by ChurchMilitant. For Full Article click here.