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  • Writer's pictureThe Hermit of Antipolo

David and Nathan (Modernism Part 38)

Today’s readings:

2 Samuel 12:1-7,10-17

Psalm 51:12-17

Mark 4:35-41

Many grievous sinners today might be like David. They still know what is right and wrong, as, rightly so, David got very angry with the unjust rich man in Nathan’s parable (2 Sm 12:5-6). But on the other hand, these sinners have become comfortable in their sin, just as David went on with his “normal” life, even after having committed adultery and murder.

How did David finally realize his grave sin and repent? It was when Nathan told him, “You are the man!” (2 Sm 12:7a). Nathan confronted David with his sin! This is the problem with modernist pastors today. They do not confront sinners with their sin. In fact, by their unqualified acceptance and accompaniment of sinners, they make grievous sinners comfortable in their sin. And so they remain in their sin. And so they are in danger of losing their souls.

Pro-aborts and LGBTs who are Catholic claim to be devout and insist on receiving Holy Communion, and pastors and hierarchs do not point out why this is so wrong. They actually must be told, as Nathan told David, “you have utterly spurned the Lord by this deed” (2 Sm 12:14a). They must be told that they are sinning against God and are turning away from Him. They must be told that when they receive Holy Communion while in mortal sin, they are piling on sin after sin, and getting deeper into the mire. They must be told that there are serious consequences to unrepented grievous sin. For David, it was the death of his child with Bathsheba (2 Sm 12:14b-18a), as well as evil being brought upon his house, particularly others lying with his wives (2 Sm 12:10-12). The most egregious of this evil was when his own son Absalom took his harem.

Life for life. Wife for wife. What you sow, you reap.

But there is a way out of condemnation for grievous sin. It is repentance and turning back to God. When David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord,” Nathan told him, “For his part, the Lord has removed your sin. You shall not die.” (2 Sm 12:13). Can’t Church pastors see this? Why do they want to keep sinners in their sin? Why do they become complicit in their condemnation? Why do they not just do what is right? It ought to be simple as this action: “I will teach the wicked your ways, that sinners may return to you.” (Ps 51:15).

When sinners repent and return, then they are restored and saved. “Restore to me the gladness of your salvation” (Ps 51:14a). They are forgiven. “Turn away your face from my sins; blot out all my iniquities.” (Ps 51:11). They are renewed. “A clean heart create for me, God; renew within me a steadfast spirit.” (Ps 51:12).

Today the barque of Peter is on very stormy seas. This is due to the darkness of sin and evil in the world, but it is also due to the negligence and culpability of Church pastors. When the disciples were with Jesus in the boat being battered by a stormy sea and Jesus was asleep, they said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” (Mk 4:38). Of course Jesus cares. Of course Jesus does not want anyone to perish and be lost. But the real question should be: do you (the sinner) care? Do Church pastors care? We do need to do our part. For what we sow, we reap.

Jesus then stilled the sea, and told them, “Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?” (Mk 4:40). Today, many Christians, accompanied by modernist teachers and pastors, are losing the faith. As that happens, then indeed they should be terrified.

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