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Misinterpreting Scripture (Modernism Part 92)

Writer's picture: The Hermit of AntipoloThe Hermit of Antipolo

October 12, 2024

Today’s reading: Galatians 3:22-29


   Today we again have a number of scripture passages that modernists misinterpret, or that can be used to refute modernist teaching.   

    Paul says, “But scripture confined all things under the power of sin, that through faith in Jesus Christ the promise might be given to those who believe.” (v.22). The reality is that sin is pervasive, and the whole world is steeped in darkness and sin. It is faith in Jesus that enables us to benefit from the promises of God to His people.     But modernists love the sinner but tolerate the sin. They accompany, accept, journey with, are nice to grave sinners but do not talk about their sin, because it is offensive. As such, they do not merit the salvation of Jesus as they remain in their sin.   

     Paul says, “For through faith you are all children of God in Christ Jesus.” (v.26). Modernists claim that all are children of God, that all are part of the communion of saints, including atheists and unrepentant grave sinners. But non-Christians do not have the faith. Nominal Christians do not live the faith. Liberal and modernist Christians violate and mangle the faith.      Remember that Jesus said that his mother and brothers are those who do the will of God.


    Paul says, “For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” (v.27). We became Christians when we were baptized (for Catholics in the sacrament of Baptism). By Baptism we have been forgiven, receive the Holy Spirit, are accepted into the Church, and enter fully into faith in Christ. We are clothed with Christ and empowered to live our lives in and for him.

      But we are supposed to live out our baptism by continuing to live according to God’s ways. Modernists however accept those who violate God’s law (abortion, active homosexuality, etc.) as having no need for repentance and living righteously. Grave unrepentant sinners are Christians in name but not in reality. They are not under the dominion of Christ but under the evil one.

    Paul says, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (v.28). Liberals and modernist cite this to preach diversity, equity and inclusion (termed DEI). Indeed, in Christ and in his universal Church, all are welcome. But there is a price of admission, and it is repentance and faith in Jesus. Modernists just welcome and accept all without condition, even as they continue in grave sin.

      Liberals also use this about there being not male and female in their gender ideology, citing countless genders (so ridiculous!) and justifying LGBT. But God made us male and female, and there are just two sexes.


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