Today’s readings:
Genesis 23:1-4,19; 24:1-8,62-67
Ps 106:1-5
Matthew 9:9-13
A number of aspects in Matthew’s gospel today are used by modernists in our Church with regard to political correctness of just accepting the sinner without talking of his sin. Jesus has said:
“Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do.” (Mt 9:12). This is why the Church has been described as a field hospital, catering to the needs of those who are hurting, those who have made a mistake. But here is the reality: you bring the sick and wounded to the hospital to be treated and healed, not just to be welcomed, made comfortable, attended to by nurses, etc., but without treating the illness or wound.
“Go and learn the meaning of the words, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’” (Mt 9:13a). This is the whole emphasis on the mercy of God. Here is the reality: mercy is indeed a prime attribute of God, and He indeed desires to pour out His mercy on sinners. But sinners need to repent of their sin and turn to faith in Jesus. Political correctness makes sinners comfortable in their sin, and in which case, they may suffer the loss of their soul. Thus what they experience is false mercy.
“I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.” (Mt 9:13b). We are being told to take care to avoid becoming a Church of the perfect and the pure. This is part of the justification for giving Holy Communion to pro-aborts, as the Eucharist is to nourish those who are tired and hungry. Here is the reality: we of course are called to holiness and Christian perfection. We are never called to just remain in our sin. Jesus does call the sinners, and he indeed did die for our sins, but we need to respond. In fact, at the start of Jesus’ ministry, his call was for people to repent and believe in the gospel.
Psalm 106 is about Israel’s confession of sin. What are the basic premises?
God is good and merciful. “Give thanks to the Lord, who is good, whose mercy endures forever.” (Ps 106:1). This is a given, and we can always look to God’s mercy.
But we need to acknowledge our sin and repent. “We have sinned like our ancestors; we have done wrong and are guilty.” (Ps 106:6). The great disservice of modernists is to preach only of the mercy of God but not of God’s righteousness. There is hardly any talk about the need to repent and turn away from sin in order to truly receive God’s mercy and forgiveness.
“Blessed those who do what is right, whose deeds are always just.” (Ps 106:3). Modernist teaching results in grave sinners remaining in their sin, AND in being in effect affirmed in their sin. This is why rabid pro-aborts can claim to be devout Catholics and insist on receiving Holy Communion, contrary to Canon Law, scripture and the age-old teachings of the Church. This is why certain pastors celebrate LGBT Masses (with active gays receiving Communion). But sinners must look to repentance and the righteousness of God, to do what is right. Their deeds must be just, with justice meaning that we give to others what is their due. To God is due worship, obedience, repentance of sin, and a turning over of our lives to Him in righteousness.
Genesis chapter 24 is about the delightful story of Isaac and Rebekah. Abraham, in looking to the future well-being of his son Isaac, to whom was attached the promise that he (Abraham) would be the father of many nations, looked to finding a good woman for his son. He had only one criterion: that his son’s future wife would not be a Canaanite but one of God’s own people (Gn 24:3-4). This is an important lesson for us: that the ideal spouse is one who shares our Catholic faith. This is key to having a blessed and life-long marriage.
When the servant given the task asked what he should do if the chosen woman does not want to leave her land to come to where Abraham was, and if he would then take Isaac to where the woman was, Abraham said to his servant, “Never take my son back there for any reason! …. never take my son back there!” (Gn 24:6,8b). Here is the lesson for us: though we live in a world steeped in sin, we have come into the Kingdom of God on earth. We must never go back.
But here is our other challenge: modernism has come into our Church, and the enemy is within. How do we cope? We must remain faithful to God and to the larger family God has given us, which is MFC. And we must continue to look to the even larger family, the Catholic Church, and strive to bring back lapsed Catholics. And to our children who will pursue a vocation of marriage, teach them to look for committed Catholics. And as much as possible, if not finding one among our singles already in MFC, to strive to bring those they are considering to MFC. This is how we can assure not just their conjugal and family well-being, but the carrying on of our MFC mission through the generations, until the Lord returns.
Postscript: When Isaac and Rebekah met, it was love at first sight (Gn 24:62-67). It was a marriage arranged in heaven. They had Jacob, who was renamed Israel. Through the generations, with many ups and downs, starting with the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, ultimately to Joseph, who married Mary, who begot Jesus, God’s will was done.