What is happening to our Catholic Church? Recently there have been major developments whereby persons are threatened with excommunication. For what? For going against the Pope.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, a holy man and a former Papal Nuncio to the USA, has been summoned to the Vatican to undergo a canonical trial for schism. It is about his questioning the legitimacy of Pope Francis and rejection of Vatican II. He has been a strong critic of the Pope for actions and teachings that he considers wrong and even heretical. Abp Vigano does not intend to go to Rome, and expects that he might be excommunicated.
The Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) is planning to consecrate bishops, but without a papal mandate, which act carries with it the penalty of excommunication. The founder of the SSPX, Bishop Marcel Lefebvre, was excommunicated by the Vatican for precisely doing the same thing, consecrating bishops without approval. Bp Lefebvre could not accept the reforms of Vatican II, especially the Novus Ordo Mass, which set aside the Traditional Latin Mass.
The Poor Clare nuns of the Belorado Convent near Burgos, Spain, are also threatened with excommunication for rejecting Vatican Council II and not recognizing Pope Francis as the Pope.
500,000 Catholics of the Syro-Malabar Rite in India, part of the Catholic Church, is in danger of schism over the way of celebrating Mass. Most of the Catholics, both clergy and laity, in an archdiocese did not agree with the liturgical reform being imposed, and the Vatican has given them an ultimatum to obey or to be excommunicated.
Fr Janvier Gbenou (better known as Father Jesusmary Missigbeto), an African priest who loves the Lord and is faithful to his vocation and to the Church, has been criticizing Pope Francis for what he considers heretical teachings, and is now subject to a canonical process that carries the threat of dismissal from the clerical state.
Why are all these happening? To people that are good and faithful Catholics. Are they really going against the Church? Or are they just being strong prophetic voices that are calling out what is wrong with the Church, particularly with Pope Francis?
There is today further talk that Pope Francis is set to completely ban the Traditional Latin Mass. Why? He has already suppressed it, but why can’t this Mass of the Ages be accepted in the Catholic Church, especially considering that there are many other liturgical rites that are practiced, particularly by the Eastern Catholic Churches?
And there is even talk of coming up with an ecumenical Mass, where both Catholics and Protestants can participate together. But how can that be, when Catholics believe in the Real Presence while most Protestants do not? How can both participate in the same Eucharist and receive the bread and wine?
Something is clearly wrong. Certainly the modernism that has come into the Church is a big part of it. Good Catholics are just being prophetic in speaking out against the errors and heresy. These good Catholics are not the ones to be prosecuted, but rather those who are doing wrong.
[June 25, 2024]