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Pope and his Legacy of Scandal (Quo vadis, Pope Francis? Part 187)

This is chilling. Pope Francis says it outright that his modernist actions were planned all along even prior to his election.

This pontificate has been riddled by scandals. Our Church has veered off to the left and to liberalism. The foundations of our Church have been greatly weakened, as the authentic faith and age-old teachings have been attacked, set aside, distorted, overturned.


A legacy of scandal: Pope Francis says he has ‘carried out’ plans laid during ‘pre-Conclave meetings’

'I carried out the things that were asked then. I do not think there was anything original of mine. I set in motion what we all had requested.'

Pope Francis honored Cardinal Godfried Danneels (2nd from left) by letting him stand alongside the pope on the balcony on the night of his election on March 13, 2013.

Louis Knuffke VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) When asked in a recent interview about the agenda and objectives of his pontificate, Pope Francis said he had “carried out the things that were asked,” referring to discussions among the cardinals at their “pre-Conclave meetings.” “I picked up everything that we the Cardinals had said at the pre-Conclave meetings,” the pontiff related, “the things we believed the new Pope should do. Then, we spoke of the things that needed to be changed, the issues to tackle. I carried out the things that were asked then. I do not think there was anything original of mine. I set in motion what we all had requested.”

The comments about the conclave were made in an interview with Argentina’s national news agency Télam. Then-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick was present at the pre-conclave meetings the Pope mentioned, though McCarrick was too old to vote in the conclave itself. Present also was Cardinal Walter Casper, the outspoken advocate of what later appeared in Amoris Laetitia.

From Amoris Laetitia to Pachamama – A legacy riddled with scandal In order to understand something of what might be meant by “the things that were asked then” in those pre-conclave meetings, it may be helpful to recall some of the notable happenings that have taken place during the current pontificate that have thrown the Church into serious crisis.

Article published by LifeSiteNews. For the full article, click here.

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