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Pope Benedict Refused Biden an Invitation to his Funeral (Quo Vadis, Pope Francis? Part 228)

Imagine. Pope Benedict XVI thought of specifically disallowing President Biden from attending his funeral. Indeed, this sin of the rabidly pro-abort Biden is so diabolical that it should have merited his excommunication. So short of that, he is “excommunicated” from the funeral.

How about you, Pope Francis? You who are so welcoming and solicitous of Biden. You who do not speak to him about the egregious wrong of his being pro-abortion. You who even allow him to receive Holy Communion. Will Biden be prominently placed when the time for your funeral comes?

And how about Biden’s own funeral? Right now he is on a straight path to hell. Pope Francis, you must speak clearly about his sin, prevent him from receiving Holy Communion until he repents, and even excommunicate him for the good of his soul. Otherwise you are complicit in his eternal damnation.

Pope Benedict Refused Abortion Activist Joe Biden an Invitation to His Funeral

Pope Benedict XVI declined an invitation to Joe Biden to attend his funeral and apparently made the decision to prevent the abortion activist from attending before he died.

Biden was not invited to attend Pope Benedict’s XVI funeral today at the request of the late Pope himself. Instead, the Vatican ambassador will attend the funeral procession today.

“The U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See, Joe Donnelly, will represent the United States at the funeral of the Pope, in line with the wishes of the late Pope and the Vatican,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in comments to the White House press gathering yesterday. “This is what — this is what their requests were. This is what their wishes were.”

“So, as the President said in his statement, as I’m sure you saw, he joins Catholics and so many others around the world in mourning the passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI,” Jean-Pierre said, adding “he will always remember the Pope’s generosity and meaningful conversation they had when he visited the Vatican in 2011.”

Article published by LifeSiteNews For the full article, click here.

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