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Pope Francis and Fr James Martin (Quo Vadis, Pope Francis? Part 246)

Writer's picture: The Hermit of AntipoloThe Hermit of Antipolo

Fr James Martin is Pope Francis’ confrere, best buddy, and collaborator in promoting acceptance of LGBT.

Fr Martin talks of a same-sex couple being “legally married,” while the Pope approves of same-sex “civil" unions. They are both playing with words, but intend the same thing, which is the acceptance of homosexuality and perhaps even same-sex marriage. Many are deceived.

Fr Martin is notorious in his promotion of LGBT, and even has depicted Jesus as a homosexual. The Pope on the other hand is fully supportive of his advocacy, constantly encourages him, and gives him prominent place in Vatican conferences. Does that not look like the Pope is also fully supportive of homosexuality?

Prominent priests condemn Fr. James Martin’s defense of Pete Buttigieg’s same-sex ‘marriage’

'There’s nothing pastoral or charitable about lying to people.'

Jesuit Father James Martin has received further criticism for a series of tweets that he released last month in defense of the so-called “marriage” between Biden Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and his “husband” Chasten.

Father Philip Bochanski, president of Courage International, an organization dedicated to helping Catholics with same-sex attraction live in accordance with Catholic teaching, called Martin’s tweets “irresponsible” in comments made to the National Catholic Register.

Martin’s claim that Buttigieg is “married” is “irresponsible, especially for a priest or bishop who has taken an oath to uphold Church teachings” and affirms “something that the Church says that we mustn’t say, which is that homosexual unions are the same or even remotely analogous to marriage.” 

Article published by LifeSiteNews For the full article, click here.

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