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  • Writer's pictureThe Hermit of Antipolo

Radical Inclusion (Quo Vadis, Pope Francis Part 209)

Inclusion is a good thing, but it is abused by liberals. To them it means anyone and everyone should be part of the Church, but this is contrary to Christ’s and the age-old teachings of the Church. Even Jesus says he came for division. And indeed at the end of time he will divide the sheep from the goats.

Everyone of course is welcome to be part of the Church, the body of Christ on earth. But there are requirements. There must be repentance of sin and puting one’s faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord. Otherwise, what are they to be part of? Certainly not of Christ, but just a body of people whose members might even be opposed to Christ.

The Pope’s intent with this Synod is clear, to justify the acceptance of homosexuality and other aspects that are in contradiction to the authentic Church’s values and ideals. Reject such sinister workings.


Continental document mulls sacraments for polygamous, LGBT unions

You are not signed in as a Premium user; we rely on Premium users to support our news reporting. Sign in or Sign up today! VATICAN CITY ( - Pope Francis' synodal project is embracing strident demands for the "radical inclusion" of Catholics who are living in polygamous, LGBT or divorced and remarried unions.

'Experts' meet in Frascati to draft the DCSThe synod's "Working Document for the Continental Stage" (DCS) also calls for women preachers, female deacons and the inclusion of women in the governing structures of Church bodies.

The document raises the subject of the "children of priests who have broken the vow of celibacy," after centuries of silence on the topic regarded as taboo, and notes that priests who left ordained ministry and got married are asking for a more "welcoming" Church. "The message of our synodal way is simple: We are learning to walk together, and sit together to break the one bread, in such a way that each is able to find their place. Everyone is called to take part in this journey; no one is excluded," the report states.

Article Published by ChurchMilitant, to see full article click here.

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