Today’s readings:
Zephaniah 3:14-18
Isaiah 12:2-6
Luke 1:39-56
We rejoice whenever an esteemed person visits us. This was how it was with Elizabeth and her unborn son John when Mary visited. In fact, “the infant in (her) womb leaped for joy.” (Lk 1:44b). The greatest visitation is the coming of our Lord Jesus into the world, and ultimately into our lives and hearts, bringing us our salvation. We can only respond in great joy.
Mary: “my spirit rejoices in God my savior.” (Lk 1:47).
Israel: “Shout for joy, daughter Zion! Sing joyfully, Israel! Be glad and exult with all your heart, daughter Jerusalem! …. The Lord, your God, is in your midst, a mighty savior.” (Zep 3:14,17a).
God’s people: “God indeed is my salvation; …. With joy you will draw water from the fountain of salvation.” (Is 12:2a,3).
We rejoice in God’s salvation. After all, we are brought from darkness to light, from condemnation to redemption, from deprivation to fullness of life. Why rejoice? Let us count the ways.
As with Mary, “the Mighty One has done great things for me” (Lk 1:49a). We receive such tremendous blessings from God. Who are we that God would be mindful of us? But that is precisely how it is. God has destined us for greatness in Him, and we can look forward to the continuing revelation of His mercy, love and care.
“The hungry he has filled with good things” (Lk 1:53a). Being children of God, we look confidently to His provision. God delights in pouring out good things on His children. God is never outdone in generosity. We will have our fill, and never go hungry.
“For the Lord is my strength and my might, and he has been my salvation.” (Is 12:2b). In the weakness of our flesh, God provides His own strength. We are able to overcome whatever in our life is not of Him. As such we can face anything that the world or the evil one throws against us. We know we are saved.
“The Lord has removed the judgment against you, he has turned away your enemies.” (Zep 3:15a). With Jesus winning salvation for us on the cross, we have passed from judgment to justification. Sin no longer has power over us. God will protect us from the evil one.
“The King of Israel, the Lord, is in your midst, you have no further misfortune to fear.” (Zep 3:15b). With God in our midst and we firmly in His hands, we can face anything in life, secure in His love and care. We know that whatever God allows to happen will be for our good. We no longer fear what is to come, even hardships and suffering.
God “will rejoice over you with gladness, and renew you in his love, who will sing joyfully because of you, as on festival days.” (Zep 3:17b-18a). Now this is striking. Joy is not just ours but also God’s. Being renewed in His love, we are in the place God wants us to be. We are home. Just like the prodigal son, it is cause for great joy for the Father. So let the festival begin!
Now such joy cannot be contained, and needs to be shared. We share the good news of salvation in Jesus. We do the work of evangelization, that is to be rapid, massive and worldwide, so that everyone will have the opportunity to hear the gospel. “Among the nations make known his deeds, proclaim how exalted is his name. …. let this be known throughout all the earth.” (Is 12:4b,5b).