“Why do you seek the living one among the dead?” (Lk 24:5b).
Jesus is alive. We love and serve a living God. Jesus is one who has conquered death, darkness and sin. But oftentimes the life of Christ is not evident in us. The power of his Spirit is not fully manifest in us. We continue to wallow in what is of death.
What brings death? Sin, doubt, fear, infidelity, hopelessness, impurity, hatred, rivalry, envy, factions, selfishness and the like. We profess to be followers of Christ, but we, perhaps unwittingly, seek him in works of death.
Well, we are not going to find Jesus there. “He is not here, but he has been raised.” (Lk 24:6a). He is risen. He is alive.
Our choice: remain in the tombs among the dead, or really be with Jesus, who is alive.