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  • Writer's pictureThe Hermit of Antipolo

THE WORLD AT AN END #179 -- Abp Lefebvre and Abp Vigano

Abp Lefebvre (founder of SSPX) was accused of schism and later was excommunicated. Abp Vigano is now accused of schism and may end up being excommunicated. Abp Lefebvre was correct then; Abp Vigano is correct now.

Both archbishops are holy men who are faithful to the one true Catholic Church. They are prophetic voices that are faithful to Christ, to Tradition, and to the Church’s authentic Magisterium. They are against the new liberal, modernist and even Marxist doctrines that are being taught today by Rome.

Many hierarchs today have effectively separated themselves from the Church, teaching such modernist heresies as:

* Offering public worship to idols (the pachamama).

* Blessing same-sex couples (thus blessing same-sex unions, thus blessing sin).

* Admitting unrepentant adulterers to Holy Communion.

The Vatican today is neo-Modernist and neo-Protestant, already evident in the Second Vatican Council but much more so today. We are looking at the steady destruction of the Church, the ruin of the priesthood, the abolition of the Mass of the Ages, the weakening or even disappearance of religious life, the liberal and Protestant teaching in universities and seminaries.

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