The worldwide fight against woke ideologies, globalist elites, assaults on faith, family and life, sexualization of children, religious freedom, etc., continues without let-up. In fact it is intensifying.
While we individually might not be able to do much on a global scale, there are orgs that can. One such is CitizenGO. I vouch for them 100%. They are trustworthy. They are up against billionaire elites and powerful forces. But with many small people such as us throughout the world, they have been putting up a good and effective fight. They are pro-God, pro-family and pro-life.
I had endorsed CitizenGO before. I do so again.
Now in responding to their appeal, as we start the new year 2025, I ask that you make even a small donation, which when multiplied by our numbers would amount to much. Better yet, please make a continuing donation. Any amount is welcome and will help a lot. No amount is too small.
And please, if you are not yet, sign up to be a member of CitizenGO. This will also help you be aware of what is happening in the world around us.
Thank you. God bless you.