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THE WORLD AT AN END #248 -- Pope Francis attacks the Latin Mass and Tradition

Writer's picture: The Hermit of AntipoloThe Hermit of Antipolo

Pope Francis once again attacks the Latin Mass and Tradition. But he makes accusations that more properly should be directed at him.

He accuses those devoted to the Latin Mass of “sectarian worldliness.” But it is his modernism that is sectarian (his synodal church is like a sect) and of the world (the zeitgeist).

He accuses them of “backwardism,” which is actually an attack on Tradition. He prefers the spirit of the age rather than the age-old culture and teachings of the Church.

He says that the Latin Mass is unhealthy because the liturgy becomes ideology. He actually is the one who is an ideologue—on gender, on LGBT, on favoring pro-aborts.

He acknowleges that many young people are interested in the Latin Mass, but would rather drive them away by restricting it. He accuses these young Catholics of not understanding, which is very ironic, since it is he who does not understand what is truly devotional, reverential and sacred.

He accuses priests who wear traditional clerical garb, such as cassocks, as rigid and insults them by saying that something is wrong with them, to the point of mental imbalance. It looks like he prefers Novus Ordo priests who act as clowns, introduce pagan elements, or generally mangle the liturgy.

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